WordPress membership websites vs closed membership platforms: Which is better?

WordPress membership websites vs closed membership platforms: Which is better?


Since you are here, you’re probably working on a cunning plan to win the internet with your soon-to-be-created membership site (opens in new tab), right? Perhaps your goal is to create top-notch content you’ll share only with those who are ready to put some of their money into it? Or, you’re thinking about building an online community of like-minded individuals from across the globe and sharing ingenious ideas? Or, you intend to mix and match these two and get the best of both worlds by offering both free and paid content to different member groups?

Regardless of your motivation, there are more than plenty of reasons for starting your own membership business. To begin with, a membership site has all the potential to turn into a reliable source of recurring revenue if you can produce premium content that’ll bring in steady subscription revenue each month.


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