Top 5 Tech Jobs that You Can Do From Anywhere in the World

Top 5 Tech Jobs that You Can Do From Anywhere in the World


When the pandemic happened, our working situation changed. From going everyday into the office, we are opted to stay and do our work at home. 

Sure, there are major adjustments that we made. We also experienced Zoom fatigue and isolation but gone is the stress of commuting. We also get to experience location independence.

Now that we’re pretty adjusted to working at home, perhaps we are asking ourselves “Do we still have to come into the office every day?” Is it still necessary?

If you have enjoyed the work from home (WFH) setting, here is a list of the best tech jobs that you can do at home or better yet, anywhere in the world.

Top 5 Tech Jobs that You Can Do From Anywhere in the World

(Photo : ANDREAS SOLARO/AFP via Getty Images)

1. Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant requires performance of several tasks. It is like being a jack of all trade. Answering E-Mail correspondence, and Skype phone calls are some of the tasks that you might have to do. It also involves data entry and updating websites. Practically, this is something that you can do at home or anywhere in the world as long as you have the gadget and the connectivity. And it pays well also. You can learn various skills related to being a virtual assistant from LinkedIn or other online courses. 

2. Help Desk And Desktop Support 

Despite of the fact that offices have closed, there is a constant need for support. There will always be a need for someone to ask for help even if it is as simple as help to make an online purchase or as complex as software trouble shooting. For example, an experience with document conversation and management might be needed for inquiries about office related tools. If you are aiming to work as a help desk and desktop support, you should at least know how to set up a web conference. You should also be aware of remote computer access tools, and be able to manage ticket platforms.

Read Also: Google Offers New Digital Jobs Learning Program to Help U.S. Ease Unemployment Problem

3. Software Engineer 

In May 2021, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong informed the employees through a company-wide email that they’ll have the option whether they want to work from home or in the office once the pandemic ends. The company that aims to create a mix of in-office and remote work is looking for a Software Engineer for Market Data and Analytics, according to VentureBeat. Your task will involve organizing the world’s crypto data.

4. Digital Marketer 

With the increasing number of entrepreneurs wanting to start their own brands online, a digital marketing specialist becomes a necessary post. The job entails a wide variety of skills. It involves setting up advertising campaigns, doing SEO analytics, and PR communications. You might also need to generate social media strategies, email advertising, and mobile marketing. Luckily, you can find a number of tutorials and e-courses about digital marketing online. Since the demand for a digital marketing is increasing, here are some tools you might be expected to know about: Ahrefs, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, WordPress, Google My Business. 

5. Social Media Manager 

The pervasive presence of  social media require many companies to have a social media manager. This job entails high competitiveness as it requires you to make the brand stand out. It requires creativity in generating content in addition to social skills, since you will be connecting with both existing and potential customers. It also requires you to develop online communities. Being familiar with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is an advantage, But to have a solid arsenal of social media tools, you also need to be aware of other related tools such as Buffer, Sprout Social, Canva, Buzz Sumo, Feedly, and GIPHY.

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