How Law Firms Can Use Lead Magnets to Get More Clients | Good2bSocial

How Law Firms Can Use Lead Magnets to Get More Clients | Good2bSocial


[Author: Noreen Fishman]

A lead magnet is something of value that you offer to your website visitors in exchange for their contact information. You’ve certainly come across lead magnets on websites. Usually, just as you enter or are about to leave a website, a box will pop up offering you some sort of value-added content (i.e. an eBook, white paper, or report) in exchange for entering your contact information. Another way to promote a lead magnet is to create a post-click landing page with your gated offer and drive traffic and conversions through PPC or paid social campaigns.

The main purpose of a lead magnet is to convert an unknown reader into a point of contact that you can market to in the future. Having the right lead magnet in place can make a tremendous difference in the number of new leads your law firm garners. See: Online Lead Generation for Lawyers: A Beginners Guide. Even if you have an eBook download campaign running that’s producing good results, testing new ideas with a portion of your audience is always recommended. Simply swapping out one idea for another can double your lead generation rate or even better. Additionally, it’s crucial to direct your leads to a professional-looking landing page. For tips on creating landing pages that convert, visit our blog: Anatomy of a Perfect Law Firm Landing Page.

To help inspire your creativity, here are 10 different types of law firm lead magnets you can create to help draw in new qualified leads:

1. Checklists

Checklists are popular with readers of all types because they are easy to read and digest. They often condense large amounts of information into quick and easy-to-read lists that provide value to the reader. You could offer guidance on preparing for a court date, getting ready for a tax audit, tenant filing in housing court, and so on. Anything that helps your audience solve a problem should do well.

2. Templates

Templates give the reader an easy way to create repetitive documents. For someone who’s not sure what they’re doing, it can be a tremendous help to have a template that allows them to just fill in the blanks. Especially where the law is concerned, document templates can help people overcome real fears about being penalized for doing something incorrectly.

3. Resource Lists

Resource lists are popular because they put a lot of scattered information in one place. A well-done resource list will also make your law firm a point of reference. The next time the reader wants to know something that relates to your services, they’ll check with you first, not Google.

4. Webinars

Whether or not a webinar is a good idea is going to depend on your firm’s area of law and target audience. If relevant, though, webinars can be a big attraction. Best of all, in addition to getting an email address where you can continue marketing, you can also incorporate some marketing techniques into the webinar itself.

Webinars are not just a one-time thing either. You can record and reuse webinar content. A past webinar can easily be set up as a piece of gated content, allowing you to continue pulling in more email addresses without the need to do an entirely new, live session.

5. Worksheets/Workbooks

Somewhat similar to a template, worksheets or workbooks are a bit more involved and help the reader to complete some sort of task. A good example might be a workbook that walks someone through the process of creating all the documentation they would need to apply for a patent.

6. Spreadsheets

If your law practice deals with anything at all that requires numbers and calculations, ready-made spreadsheets could be just the thing your visitors are looking for. If you need to get specific numbers from clients and leads, they’ll love you for giving them tools that make it easier to put those numbers together.

7. Whitepapers and eBooks

An eBook or white paper that serves as a guide or how-to for prospects and clients is a great way to establish expertise, provide value, and collect contacts to feed into your lead nurturing activities.

Putting together eBooks need not be a burden. Plan a series of five or six posts around a topic, compile and edit into an eBook, design a cover, and put on a landing page with a form to submit contact information to get the download.

8. Tutorials

Tutorials, whether written or via video, simply teach someone how to do something. You could teach people just about anything that has to do with the area of law you’re involved with. From explaining how different laws are usually interpreted to how to correctly fill out documentation, anything that helps educate your visitors should attract attention.

9. Specialized Reports

Depending on your area of practice, reports could be a great way to convert more readers into leads. They work especially well for B2B services. If your law firm caters to businesses, putting together a two or three-page report with relevant industry data could boost conversions significantly.

10. Quizzes

If your law firm works more with individuals than businesses, a quiz can be a great way to reach new prospects. A fun and/or interesting quiz also has the possibility of being shared by users through their own social media accounts. This type of lead magnet might not fit well for every law firm, but quizzes are a highly engaging form of content. Survey Monkey is a great tool for posting quizzes and if you have a WordPress site, you have some good plugins to choose from.

You’ve probably seen these kinds of quizzes several times without even realizing it, which is part of the reason they work so well. Have you ever seen someone post on Facebook saying something like “I got 8 out of 10. How well can you do on this quiz?” These kinds of quizzes work as a lead magnet by requiring contact information from each person who takes the quiz, plus they’re designed to be shared. They’re viral by nature.

Tips for Creating Lead Magnets

Creating a lead magnet may seem like a daunting task, but with the right planning it shouldn’t be too difficult:

  • Look at your current content- chances are you have content like blogs that can be repurposed into different formats.
  • Use personas– to make sure your lead magnets are a hit, you should build them around your client personas’ desires and questions. What do they want to know most? (For help building a client persona, check out this free guide: A Law Firm’s Guide to Creating an Ideal Client Profile.)
  • Optimize your landing page– each lead magnet’s landing page should be optimized with an eye-catching title, strong visuals, a description of the magnet’s value proposition, and a clear and stand-out call to action.
  • Leverage templates– if you’ve already created one lead magnet, you can use that as a template for future lead magnets. So, for example, if you’ve already created an eBook once, you can repurpose its structure and design for future ones.
  • Promote, promote, promote– don’t forget to promote your lead magnet on your website, via email, social media, and more!


Lead magnets are part of an overall marketing campaign developed specifically to generate leads. They result in high conversion rates and once you have captured a prospect’s email address, it’s a lot easier to stay connected with them. You should, of course, be tracking results to find the lead magnets that work best for your law firm, but make sure that you remain open to new ideas as well. It’s always good to be testing something else with at least a small portion of your audience. This way, you’ll always have something ready to replace a magnet that may have lost some of its magnetism. 


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