How Does Your E-Commerce Store Live Up To Clients’ Standards?

How Does Your E-Commerce Store Live Up To Clients’ Standards?


Ivan Popov is the CEO of Vipe Studio, which establishes and maintains WordPress websites for enterprises, SMEs and eCommerce platforms.

What does it take for a business to be successful in today’s climate?

Certainly, you need to focus on the business-customer relationship and the products and services you offer. These are some of the obvious aspects of a truly successful establishment, but does today’s business scenery also require something else that you cannot miss out on?

Technology and the internet have emerged to stay in everyone’s lives, and this has affected the way businesses choose to present themselves among both customers and competitors. As we followed customers online, it was only natural for us to also direct our efforts into establishing a place for ourselves on the web.

Because of this, I believe owning an e-commerce store or platform is perhaps the most important asset in today’s tech-oriented world for commerce businesses. But while businesses should definitely include an online presence as a part of their success to-do list, it’s also important to understand what this potential platform represents and how you can make it score highly in terms of performance and customer expectations.

Can A Business Thrive Without Its Own Dedicated Platform?

While anything is possible in the world of business (especially if we’re referring to a well-recognized brand), having a dedicated online platform is definitely a go-to strategy.

Customers are already used to browsing the web in search of the next best item or service to fulfill their needs or intent. Visiting an e-commerce store offers plenty of advantages.

• People save time while comfortably going through the catalog from home or any other place.

• An online store displays the whole inventory of goods and services as opposed to the limitations of a physical store.

• A well-constructed e-commerce store offers multiple and secure payment options as well as delivery methods to anyone’s liking.

• Customers often benefit from bonuses, discounts and a plethora of promotion-based offers.

Initially, the e-commerce platform benefits the business as well. It brings exposure and brand awareness, helps people easily interact with the brand and allows for new avenues within your marketing campaigns and strategies in order to stand out among the competition.

With all that being said, it’s only logical to conclude that the establishment and maintenance of an e-commerce platform is an incredibly important task that should be taken into careful consideration. Luckily, nowadays, businesses can rely on plenty of professional developers and agencies that showcase their expertise in the field.

Essentially, this leads to another issue that may arise: How can a business choose the right developing team when it comes to establishing an online platform? Here’s a handy checklist of some of the best practices when it comes to creating an e-commerce platform.

A Checklist For Whether Your E-Commerce Store Lives Up To Client Standards

Each business’s goal is to make sure its platform lives up to the clients’ standards since it’s the customers that matter the most in the crucial business-customer relationship.

Being a professional in the field, I present to you a quick guidelines checklist that successfully shapes up an e-commerce platform as a successful one.

1. An e-commerce platform should be easy to navigate and mobile-friendly. Any business would want its customers to quickly and effortlessly navigate through the website, finding everything they need in the blink of an eye. In addition to this, making sure the website is mobile-friendly is a must. Nowadays, the majority of customers prefer shopping on their mobile devices so a business should keep that in mind.

2. Providing enough information about the products is essential. With so many competitor businesses in a certain niche, every enterprise should offer informative and thorough content. Be it product details, customer reviews, comparison features, availability or handy video tutorials; it should be present on your platform or website.

3. Personalizing the customer’s experience is a very nice touch. Offering product recommendations, addressing the client by name and saving their last shopping session for further actions are incredibly important details when it comes to personalizing the e-commerce platform to clients’ standards. It also helps bring a sense of uniqueness and exclusivity.

4. Order tracking is yet another useful feature an e-commerce platform can offer. Using integrations with the delivery company’s software provides the customers with information and control over their purchases.

5. Speed and security should always be a top priority. A fast website is a must in today’s ever-dynamic competitor and search engine-based environment. In addition to that, security is fundamental since online businesses operate with personal and payment data.

6. Applying modern tendencies should always match the targeted experience. Following all the modern tendencies is great, but this shouldn’t be done just for the sake of being trendy. Instead, keeping in mind the customer’s expectation is the right way to go; if customers expect black and white design, don’t give them colors only to match this year’s website trends.

7. Focusing on live product availability data is appreciated. What if the website says an item is available only for the last piece to be bought ten minutes ago in the physical store? This will ultimately lead to the client’s dissatisfaction due to misleading information. Businesses should always avoid this scenario at all costs; live product availability data is the key.

8. Featuring more than one taxonomical organization. Customers tend to search for items in different ways. For example, one person might try to find shoes by browsing the following categories: shoes, winter shoes, boots, clogs, weatherproof footwear, etc. Others may try to find the right shoes by only looking at sales items that are highlighted in red. Featuring enough taxonomy terms helps the user filter all products and find just the right item based on their search intent.

Checking all the above-mentioned boxes is surely the right path towards ending up with a successful e-commerce platform both in structure and performance. In today’s technologically-oriented world, this quickly turns into the ultimate go-to strategy for any commerce business out there.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?


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